New office space in the Claremont hub
Prime location situated between Cavendish Street and Osborne Road and within walking distance to all public transport and surrounding retail. North facing offices with fantastic views.
The building comprises: 4 basement parking levels
- Ground Floor retail/ main entry floor
- First floor offices and parking
- 6 floors of offices
Green initiative:
Generate own power source – Photovoltaic roofing panels enough to effectively move from hybrid to off-gird.
Lighting will be movement controlled – thus avoiding unnecessary electricity consumption
Rainwater harvesting – from roof to storage tanks in basement to irrigate pavement planting and trees
Gross Lettable Office Area: ± 5,061m² @ R250.00/m²
Gross Lettable Retail area: ± 121m²
Total Parking Bays: 161 bays @ R1,800.00 p/m
Completion: ± early 2019